The Governing Body is drawn from the local community and they freely give their time and expertise to support the work of Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School. The Governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school working closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team, playing a strategic role in running the school. This includes maintaining the ethos of Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School as a Catholic school under the direction of the Bishop, setting aims and objectives, adopting policies and setting targets.
There are several categories of Governor:
- Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese
- Local Authority Governors are appointed by the Local Authority
- Parent Governors are appointed by self-nomination and parent vote where necessary
- Staff Governors are appointed by self-nomination and staff vote where necessary
There are five main committees who meet throughout the year:
- Leadership & Management: Chairperson, Michael Gardner
- Outcomes for Students: Chairperson, Shaun Vickers
- Admissions: Chairperson, Deborah O’ Connor
- Pay: Chairperson, to be appointed
- Appeals: Chairperson, to be appointed