Welcome to our school community. Whether you are already a member of the Cardinal Heenan family, considering joining us as a student, a prospective parent or would like to work here, we hope that you will sense the warmth of our vibrant community.
Cardinal Heenan is a well-established, thriving Catholic school with a reputation for the very highest standards, outstanding students and exceptional staff. We instil a love of learning inspired by high quality teaching which develops individual strengths and talents. We encourage and celebrate creativity, original thinking, imagination, effort and achievement.
Our Catholic ethos is at the centre of all that we do. We wear the word Veritas (Truth) on our school blazers in memory of St Thomas Aquinas. He lived a life of prayer and study which led him to the Dominican Order, whose motto is Veritas. He sought truth wherever it could be found and burned with the desire to know the one truth, God, which gives meaning to all truths. We seek to nurture the spiritual development of each individual pupil. We teach the importance of moral values and showing consideration for others.
Students who are prepared to work hard will find Cardinal Heenan a supportive and challenging environment. We have the highest expectations of all our students and believe that everyone deserves the very best possible support to realise their dreams and ambitions. We aim to develop self-confidence in all students so that they can achieve their potential, regardless of their ability, and remain lifelong learners who are committed to seeking truth. In the words of our mission statement, we ‘inspire excellence by encouraging every individual to be the person that God calls us to be, in preparation for this life and the life to come’.
If you wish to find out more about Cardinal Heenan, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help.
Mr D Kelly