Admissions Appeals

Admissions Appeals

Appeals for Places in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11, from September 2024 onwards 

You have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel for any school place you have been refused.  If you would like to appeal for a place at Cardinal Heenan, you must complete the online appeal form through Admissions at Leeds City Council School appeals (  

For places starting in September 2025, the deadline to submit an appeal for Year 7 is 28 March 2025. You can appeal after the deadline, but your appeal may not be heard before school starts in September.

If you are appealing for a current Year 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11, your hearing will be held as soon as possible and no more than 30 school days after the date your appeal was submitted.

After you appeal Admissions at Leeds City Council will invite you to a hearing. They will contact you at least 10 school days before your hearing to let you know the date and time of the appeal.

Your appeal may take place at any time between 9am to 5pm.

Before the appeal, you will be sent the appeal papers. These include all documents you submitted and the school’s statement of case where they set out why they refused the appeal. You must read these before the appeal.

Following the appeal hearing, a decision letter will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing. The decision of the panel is final.

School days are term time only and do not include school holidays.  If an appeal is submitted in the holidays the school days deadline will not start until the beginning of the next term e.g. an appeal received in July after schools have closed will not be heard until the new academic term; “school days” will start from the beginning of September when the term starts.

For further information please contact 

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