Advent 2022: Giving

Advent 2022: Giving

Our Advent giving this year saw students and staff support members of our community who are less fortunate than ourselves. Form groups and staff donated a variety of gifts and food to put into Christmas hampers for the St Vincent de Paul Society.  Our students and staff have been extremely generous and demonstrated a willingness to help people in our community. A member of SVP who works closely with the support centre shared that the response from our school was incredible and that it will help some of the most vulnerable and needing families in Leeds. During Advent students came together in Advent assemblies, daily prayers, lighting our Advent wreath and our Advent Service, to journey, pray and give as we looked forward to celebrating the joy of Christ’s birth at Christmas. A wonderful way to close our year as a school community – sharing the love and hope of Christ with those around us.  

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