

At Cardinal Heenan we strive to inspire excellence by encouraging every individual to be the person that God calls us to be. We believe that a strong careers programme is crucial in facilitating opportunities that ensure students are equipped to make the best choices when leaving Cardinal Heenan.

We meet all 8 of the recommended Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each Student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

Careers Education

The school careers education programme develops students’ awareness of their skills, talents and interests to help them to make informed choices about their future. Students undertake a programme of careers education from Year 8 to Year 11 within PSHCE lessons.

In Year 10, all Students have the opportunity to attend a work experience placement. We believe this is an excellent introduction to the world of work and offers students the opportunity to develop new skills whilst completing new tasks and work shadowing. Students benefit from experiencing what it might be like to do particular jobs and develop contacts for the future. We encourage Students to consider arranging placements which will inspire them to meet their potential. Companies are welcome to make contact with Mr Gaffey if they are in a position to offer a work experience placement to a Student.

We also offer various activities throughout the year to raise awareness of the different careers which are available and to prepare Students for their future.

Please see links below for further information:

Information, Advice and Guidance

We understand the importance of our students being able to access independent and impartial advice and guidance about their future options. An Independent Careers Adviser visits School two days a week and provides one to one Careers Guidance Appointments and/or Group Sessions for all our Year 11 students. Appointments are also available for Students from other year groups on request.

Careers Guidance aims to support Students to become independent decision makers. One to one appointments offer Students the opportunity to explore their interests, skills and ideas for the future and to receive guidance about the range of options and the things to consider. All students receive a typed summary of guidance on the day following their one to one appointment which has a reminder of the action discussed which a Student could take to move forward.

Contact Independent Careers Adviser:

Wendy Kerley


Please feel free to email or contact school on a Thursday or Friday if you have any queries.


We measure our success by analysing our students’ destinations after Year 11. We are proud that our Students progress into a range of options after Year 11 including A Levels, Vocational Courses and Apprenticeships at a range of providers.

We also gather and use feedback from Students, parents, teachers, partners and employers as part of the evaluation process. If you are a parent, please feel free to feedback to us using the contact details below.

Contact for Careers Leader:

Mr K Gaffey


Telephone: 0113 8873240


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